Become A Certified acuProduct Instructor
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sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Join Heath Professionals from 16 Countries
Dr. Cohen himself will train you online. As anyone who has worked with Dr. Cohen will attest to – he REALLY cares. He is also deeply knowledgeable about his field and passionate about teaching people to self-heal RESPONSIBLY. A wonderful reservoir of self-healing knowledge, Dr. Cohen will fast track you many years further down the road.
Learn The acuProducts Story
You will learn the story & history of the acuProducts, why their unique design features are effective, the relevant pathomechanical anatomy behind common issues and how the acuProducts solve them and the best clinical uses of the acuProducts. These valuable treatment protocols are derived from over 20 years of clinical treatment experience and include therapists’ input from around the world.

Empower Your Clients
Today’s educated health care consumers are looking for guidance & empowerment, not endless treatment. Learning to teach clients to release their own areas of tightness, mobilize tight spinal segments and tune into their body in a whole new way is a clinical dream come true – everyone wins – the patient gets better and is empowered to care for themselves, the practitioner has far less body strain and the overall health care expenditure is cut by 20%-50% for most common MSK issues.
Save Your Hands
You will learn how to use acuProducts DURING treatment sessions enabling clients to release their own tight areas without you touching them. acuProducts also make treatments easier on you. As clients release tight muscle and joint segments at home between treatments, they clear a tissue and joint path that allows you to go ‘deeper’ with less effort. Your hands will thank you!

Improve Clinical Results
Using acuProducts between treatments allows clients to feel and sense tight areas and work out a surprising amount of their own muscle and joint contractions.
These clients come to you in a far different state - looser, happier, more pliable and importantly more tuned into and connected with their bodies.
Create an Ethical Revenue Stream
1/3 of clients will purchase acuProducts once they’ve experienced it during a treatment.
And clients absolutely love acuProducts – they buy them for themselves, their families and friends.
You can either sell acuProducts directly to your clients earning a 100% markup, or become an affiliate earning 12% with your unique affiliate link. Either way you earn ethical revenue and empower clients to care for themselves. Perfect!

Class 1 - 2.5 hours
The story & history of the acuProducts.
AcuProducts material and contents, safety protocols, clinical contra-indications.
Why the acuProducts unique design features are effective: increased blood flow, parasympathetic activation, tissue expansion, spinal joint release.
Research review on value of heat for myo-fascial release.
The relevant pathomechanical anatomy behind common issues such as mouse syndrome, upper back pain, lower back pain and TMJ.
Best clinical uses of acuBall and acuBall-Mini with participants using acuProduct and Dr. Cohen guiding.
specific body part treatment protocols derived from 20 years of clinical treatment experience with therapists’ input from 16 countries.
Class 2 - 2.5 hours
Research review on best uses of foam rollers vs acuProducts.
AcuProduct fascial release techniques with research review.
Best clinical uses of acuBack and acuPads with participants using acuProduct and Dr. Cohen guiding.
How to combine different acuProducts at the same time for body release.
Best clinical uses of acuProducts for patient release DURING treatment sessions.
Best use techniques for osteoporosis patients.
Use of acuProducts to create upright sitting posture for computer using patients.
How to teach acuProduct classes.
How to earn an ethical revenue stream by becoming an affiliate and/or wholesaling acuProducts to clients.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Continuous Dedication To Research Makes The Difference
Over 20 years of research and testing created the most advanced heatable self healing tools on the market today.
Either microwave or boil your acuProduct to create deep soothing heat that lasts a surprisingly long time. Heat does three vital things for healing;- Increases circulation flushing out built-up waste.
- Expands contracted tissue improving function.
- Calms the nervous system enabling far deeper release & relaxation.

Spine Align Belt releases tight spinal joints from body weight alone in 3 minutes
The patented design enables users to lie directly on areas of spinal tightness. By simply relaxing and deep breathing into the area of contraction, the acuProducts’ design will release tight spinal segments from body weight alone. No effort is required.
acuProducts patented design features release tight muscles and connective tissue from body weight in 3 min.
Patented two stage nib design improves blood and lymph flow, flushing out built up tissue waste improving cirrculation and decreasing nervous system irritation
Dr. Cohen's Heal My Body Cares
FREE Click Where You Hurt App
Simply click on the part of your body that needs help and watch the best treatment techniques developed over 20 years of clinical experience. This is an invaluable resource. And it's FREE!
15-day money back guarantee.
If you are not happy, we are not happy. Simply return your purchase for a full refund, no question asked.
2 year warranty
Quality production and years of research enable us to create a quality product for your enjoyment. It will last you more than two years. Some users have had their acuProducts for over a decade.
100% Reimburseable
Use your flexible spending account with complete confidence that you will be reimbursed 100% for any acuProducts purchase.
If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, your insurance will pay for your acuProducts.
Quick 2-Day Shipping
We do our best to get your acuProducts to you as soon possible, so you can feel better as soon as possible.
Healthy Materials
- We take great care in making our product healthy for you to use.
- Hypoallergenic
- Latex free
- Phthalate free
- Water filled
FREE Click Where You Hurt App
Simply click on the part of your body that needs help and watch the best treatment techniques developed over 20 years of clinical experience. This is an invaluable resource. And it's FREE!
15-day money back guarantee.
If you are not happy, we are not happy. Simply return your purchase for a full refund, no question asked.
2 year warranty
Quality production and years of research enable us to create a quality product for your enjoyment. It will last you more than two years. Some users have had their acuProducts for over a decade.
100% Reimburseable
Use your flexible spending account with complete confidence that you will be reimbursed 100% for any acuProducts purchase.
If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, your insurance will pay for your acuProducts.
Quick 2-Day Shipping
We do our best to get your acuProducts to you as soon possible, so you can feel better as soon as possible.
Healthy Materials
- We take great care in making our product healthy for you to use.
- Hypoallergenic
- Latex free
- Phthalate free
- Water filled
See What Others Are Saying

I am beyond impressed with the 5-hour training to become a certified instructor. It has revolutionized my business and greatly benefited my clients. The acuProducts are incredible for relieving pain and tight muscles. One of the best investments I've made!

This program has transformed my business and brought immense benefits to my clients. The acuProducts are amazing for relieving pain and joint issues. I highly recommend it!

This training is worth every penny! It has had a profound impact on my business and the well-being of my clients. The acuProducts work wonders for relieving pain and tightness. Highly recommended!

Proud certified instructor here! This program has completely transformed my business and the lives of my clients. The acuProducts are a game-changer for pain relief and improving joint mobility. An investment I'll never regret.

I am so grateful for the 5-hour teacher certification program. It has revolutionized my business and brought immense benefits to my clients. The acuProducts are incredible for relieving pain and improving joint mobility. Highly recommended!